pcp 多元化和包容性 Toolkit


Diversity and inclusion efforts do 有所作为.

证据就在这里. 根据麦肯锡, companies in the top quartile for diversity are 35% more likely to outperform companies with less diversity. And attracting diverse talent can positively affect your firm’s bottom line and market competitiveness.

Use the roadmap as a guide as you set your firm's priorities for increasing diversity and building a culture of inclusion. Download all of the toolkit resources in one zip file or select just the items you need from the roadmap or the list below.

Diversity and inclusion roadmap

pcp的多样性 & 包含工具包 Introduction

This video provides a brief introduction and ways to navigate the pcp的多样性 & 包含工具包

Access individual tools below or download all of the toolkit resources in one zip file.