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Formed in 2007 and affiliated with the 188bet亚洲真人体育下载, the Center for 审计 Quality (CAQ) is devoted to enhancing investor confidence and public trust in the global capital markets. Focused exclusively on public company auditing, the CAQ carries out this mission in three primary ways:

  • Fostering high quality performance by public company auditors;
  • Convening and collaborating with other stakeholders to advance the discussion of critical issues requiring action and intervention; and
  • Advocating policies and standards that promote public company auditors' objectivity, 有效性, and responsiveness to dynamic market conditions.

The CAQ is an autonomous, 无党派, and nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC. 支持ed by a membership of US accounting firms registered with the Public Company 会计 Oversight Board, the CAQ is led by a Governing Board made up of CEOs from leading public company auditing firms and the 188bet亚洲真人体育下载, as well as independent representatives from key communities: audit committees, 投资者, 和学者.

CAQ Executive Director 朱莉·贝尔·林赛 oversees a team that includes CPAs and experts in public policy, 专业实践, 研究, 利益相关方参与, 通信, 和操作.

The CAQ provides a wealth of resources—such as reports, 研究, 评论信, 网络广播, 座谈会, and technical alerts—for auditors and other key players in the financial reporting supply chain. Visit the CAQ's website to find these resources and 了解更多 about its policy work, 协作工作, 和计划.